Good to Know

Staff Reporter

GHS Theater had a great opening weekend of their play “Oh, What a Tangled Web!”  They will be performing it again this Friday and Saturday, November 19 and 20, at 7:00PM.  Tickets are $7.00.

Senior Parents and Guardians, and Seniors.  An updated Financial Aid Presentation has been posted on the GHS website.  Look on the GHS main page under the Senior Corner banner or on the School Counseling page under the Financial Aid banner to link to the presentation.  If you have further questions after you watch the presentation contact Mr. Lord in the school counseling office.

Canned Food Drive: The Library is accepting food for fines during the HOSA can food drive.  If you have an overdue fine, bring non-perishable food items to the library, and we will erase your fine.  If you have an overdue book, bring back the book with a couple of canned goods.  Thank you for supporting a good cause.


Gloucester’s Got Talent:  Calling all performers!  GHS is having an online talent show and competition open to all GHS students.  The rules and information for Gloucester’s Got Talent are available in the Canvas announcements and the school website.  See Mr. Lord or Mr. Alexander for more details.

Activity busses will run Monday through Thursday leaving GHS at 5:30 PM.

W.E.B. DuBois Honor Society will meet Wednesday, 11/17/21, at 3 PM in Mrs. Dianne Carter’s room, D21. All members are required to attend. 

Freshman class officers and any Freshmen students interested in participating in fundraising and other activities should meet in room A133 immediately after school on Thursday, November 18.

The next FBLA meeting will be on Wednesday, November 17, at 3:00 p.m. in Room 161B. We will be making plans for our Toys for Tots buying trip, choosing competitive events, and discussing our plans for the New Year. If you are interested in finding out what FBLA can do for you, please join us on Wednesday.