The Twilight Saga, which debuted in November 2008, has consistently garnered high reviews for its series of films. The three main characters of the story—Jacob Black, Edward Cullen, and Bella Swan—are shown in a dramatic situation. Many fans were upset that Bella didn’t think Edward was the ideal match for her as the Breaking Dawn movie finished and Bella chose Edward as her love interest. Three characters in the series are in a romantic triangle: Edward, Jacob, and Bella, the lead character. Thus, the topic of much discussion is: “Which man is better for Bella?”
Many believe Edward is Bella’s greatest option since he is a highly patient man who shows true compassion for her throughout the entire film. He goes above and beyond to prioritize Bella’s happiness over everyone else’s, including his own and is fiercely protective of her well-being.
However, Jacob’s daring and protective nature also makes him a favorite among the viewers. He supports Bella’s goals and is always there for her throughout the films. Even when she finds it difficult to decide between Edward and him, he stands by her side. These aspects of Jacob’s character captivate the viewers and lead them to believe he’s the best fit for Bella. Ultimately, Bella decides to pursue a relationship with Edward, which made many angry.
Despite all of Jacob’s wonderful traits, Edward appears to be the favorite choice of most fans for Bella’s love affair. All things considered, Edward is more considerate. Even when Bella Swans asks, he never tries to jeopardize her safety or life since he respects her right to autonomy. He is aware that she is capable of making her own decisions, but because of her strong independence, he also makes an effort to point her in the correct direction.
In an interview with students, I asked many questions. But the main question was, “Edward or Jacob?” In the end, Edward did get more votes among the interviewed students, but Jacob also got plenty of votes as well.
Regardless of your feelings about the show, it’s entertaining and well worth watching. It does a great job of portraying the love triangle between Edward, Bella, and Jacob and keeps you interested in what might happen next. Although it’s important to recognize Jacob’s loyalty and protectiveness, Edward’s selflessness and consideration overshadow them. Whatever your stance, the show is worth seeing so you can decide for yourself which character is the best fit for Bella.