eSports Returns To Gloucester High School

Oscar Rutkowski, Staff Reporter

The eSports Fall Season has begun with a large amount of students signing up.  Not surprising though considering last spring the team played so well they earned a free season. Currently, The Smash Brothers team won two sets to one on Wednesday, September 29th. Also on September 29th, the Overwatch team won their first legitimate victory heading into the official season. The Fortnite qualifiers allowed for 100 winners to move on into the semifinals, which happened the first week of October, and the Rocket League team played on Thursday, September 30th and Thursday, September 7th.

The eSports team did a carwash fundraiser on October 10th to raise money for more powerful technology and the team’s development. Undead Dukes merchandise is available for purchase at $20 per t-shirt and $40 per hoodie. More information is available on the flyers posted throughout the school and the school’s website.

On Friday, October 22, there will be a ‘Smash for Cash’ fundraiser tournament for the video game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The fundraiser is for the development of the eSports team. It is $10 for a spectator and $15 for a player. Snacks, and drinks will be provided and the winner will receive a prize, that will be announced the day of the tournament.