Virginia Governor Elections Upcoming
September 29, 2021
September 10th, 2021
Soon, people will be heading to the polls to vote for their new Governor, House, Special State Legislative, and local government in Gloucester County. Due to Virginia law, current Governor Ralph Northam can’t run for a second consecutive term. This year in the Virginia general election, both major parties have selected their candidates that are running for Governor, whom are listed on their respective Democrat, and Republican Newsletter sites.
The Democratic Party chose Former Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe. The Republican Party chose, graduate from Harvard University, Glenn Youngkin. Many political critics are saying that the Virginia gubernatorial elections give an insight on who may win, and gain political power in the US 2022 elections. Both major parties are urging their fellow follower’s to register to vote, and campaign for their respective candidates.
Former Governor and Democrat Terry McAuliffe is running on a campaign promising to raise Virginian incomes, bring new jobs, and keep unemployment down, per Ballotpedia. Republican Glenn Youngkin, who has the support and backing of Former President Donald J. Trump. Youngkin has said he hopes to bring his experiences which will create a massive amount of jobs, keep businesses in the state of Virginia, and put an ‘open for business’ sign on Virginia, per Ballotpedia.

The deadline to register to vote will be on Tuesday, October 12, 2021.
Voting will begin on September 17th, 2021 for early voting. For the majority of the Virginia population, voting will be on November 2nd, 2021, as said by the Virginia Elections website.