Gloucester High School has made a rule against students being able to DoorDash food for lunch. Many students have complained about this rule. I think students should be able to DoorDash for numerous reasons. Students should get the option to eat something other than what the school provides. School lunches are not always the best quality and some people cannot eat it for dietary or allergy reasons.
DoorDashing food is a great way to get the lunch we want at school. This year, GHS has installed a weapons detection system, so if they were worried about safety for the students now they can just have the door dashers go through the metal detectors..
The school lunch options can sometimes get repetitive. To start, we have the same options of a cheeseburger, chicken sandwich, sub, or salad. These options can get tiring. Not only can they get tiring, but sometimes there is not enough food for students. By the time students get to third lunch, subs and salads have sometimes run out.
Being able to door dash would make lunch so much more enjoyable for everyone and would give people the options they want. Not everyone enjoys the options the school has to offer, including me. If students were able to door dash they would be allowed to choose something that they are guaranteed to like.
I know students definitely want to be able to door dash fast food for lunch. Listening to conversations throughout the halls and talking to my friends has made me realize how desired door dashing is. I have heard complaining from students in the hallway on how outraged they are.
I spoke to some people in my classes and most agreed with me. I have a list of people who agree with me, out of the 44 students that were asked, 42 of them agreed. Lia Nelson gave a good response saying, “I think we should DoorDash only if we get permission to by a staff member or teacher, because it wouldn’t be messy and it can be fairly organized.” This is a good point and describes how it would make it safe.
Abby Lofgern also made a good point by explaining, “studies show that good foods induce happy moods and better focus in school.”
Having the ability to DoorDash food would allow for students to have more options to eat, be full after eating, and would make students feel happier.