Bonnie Parker was born in Texas on October 1, 1910. Her mother was Emma Parker, and her father was Charles Parker, she lived in Rowena, Texas until her father passed away when she was 4. Her mother moved the family to an impoverished suburb of Dallas, known as Cement City to stay with Bonnie’s grandparents. Bonnie went to local schools, where she found her love for poems, and literature, taking all the honors classes. Bonnie’s dream was to become an actress and move to the city where she could fulfill her dreams. Bonnie’s was a bright child with a bright future. In September of 1926, just a few days before Bonnie’s 16th birthday, she married a man named Roy Thornton. However, she and Roy did not get along very well, and it is proven that he was abusive. Bonnie wanted to live her dreams in the city as Roy promised, but Roy wouldn’t take her so shortly after that they split up, although they never got divorced. In 1929, Roy was arrested and sentenced to 5 years in prison for robbery. After that Bonnie moved back with her grandmother, and never saw or talked to Roy again.
Clyde Barrow was born on March 24, 1909, in Tellico, Texas, and was number 5 of 7 siblings. Clyde was born into an unfortunate, poor household, on a farm where he worked most days. Their farm wasn’t very successful due to drought and eventually moved to Dallas, Texas. Under the influence of his brother Buck, Clyde started to begin a life of crime. Clyde’s first encounter with theft was stealing a chicken, with his brother. Clyde attended school until he was 16 years old, and enjoyed music, and instruments. Clyde saw a future in those things but being a criminal sounded better for him. Clyde started to steal cars and got into more serious crimes.
Clyde met Bonnie, threw a friend, and they both fell for each other the minute they saw each other. Bonnie and Clyde started seeing each other for weeks until Clyde got arrested on multiple accounts of auto theft. Bonnie and Clyde were deeply in love, and Bonnie would do anything for him. Bonnie smuggled a gun into Clyde’s prison to help him escape. He and his cellmate escaped but were caught a week later. Clyde was then sent to Eastham State Farm, and sentenced to 14 years of hard labor. Clyde was repeatedly sexually assaulted by another inmate and was beaten and treated badly by the guards during his time at this labor prison. His mother worked to get him parole and he was released from prison two weeks later. Once Clyde got out, he tried to get a job and live a normal life with Bonnie, but police harassment caused him to lose his job. Clyde stopped trying and went back to a life of crime. Bonnie and Clyde took off on their life of crime robbing small businesses, and banks. Bonnie loved to be in charge and lead the gang. She loved to see that they were recognizing a woman was doing it, not just a man. She became famous in the paper, where she grew a fan club. Bonnie and Clyde’s crime spree started in 1932 and ended in 1933 when they were set up and gunned down. More than 200 bullet holes are counted in the car police shot them up in.