Many people use curse words in their everyday lives. However, some people hate them. Do you think they are okay to use? Ninth-grade student London Volpe said, “I think cursing is a nice way to spice up a sentence. It’s a good way to get how you’re feeling expressed.” I agree with her. Some people use curse words when they are angry. If you add a curse word to a sentence when you’re mad, it definitely adds some spice as to how mad you are. They aren’t always used when mad, though some people, myself included, just add them into their sentences because they can or like the word.
People call their friends curse words all the time as a joke. Some people take offense to it if you can’t take it in a joking manner. They are just words, though. It’s not really any different from other words people use. When someone hears a cuss word, they are ready to be offended because the words are known as bad words. If someone’s ready to be offended by a word, especially if they already don’t like cursing it might cause some conflict. Research has shown that we swear on average from “0.3% to 0.7%” of the time.
Using curse words is a lot more common than some think. Research done on our personalities shows that people who curse more have traits like extraversion, dominance, and hostility. Cursing is a natural part of learning speech. Most children will say a curse word, not knowing what they are talking about. They say it because they hear them, rather it’s from their parents or social media. The child will normally start using them in the same context it saw their parents use them. So, if the child saw their mom drop the f-word while mad, the next time he’s mad, he’ll copy her.
A lot of parents will yell at their kids for this or get them in trouble in some way. I don’t think this is fair, though. People seem to forget that the kid didn’t just say it and is learning it from somewhere. Parents who don’t like curse words need to talk to the kid who used one, but a punishment over it is not fair. Everyone will cuss at least once in their life. A survey done in 2022 said that Americans curse on average up to 21 times a day. At the end of the day, they really are just words.