Kindle Unlimited: A Service for Bookworms and Novice Readers Alike
Kindle Unlimited
April 28, 2023
Kindle Unlimited is an online, monthly subscription service that allows subscribers to check out twenty ebooks at a time and exchange them as one sees fit. The price of Kindle Unlimited is $9.99 a month, which seems to be a steal for what is essentially a limitless trove of selected novels. There are some downsides to Kindle Unlimited though, well primarily only one. This being that every novel in existence isn’t available, only ones that authors or publishers approved to be on Kindle Unlimited are permitted to be used through the subscription website.
However, subscribing to Kindle Unlimited can still put a large dent in a bookworm’s spending habits. Books are expensive and one copy of a novel is most likely going to cost more than a month of Kindle Unlimited itself. And there are tons of ways to find books that pique your interest through lists online, websites such as Goodreads, and social media sites (I’ve been using TikTok for book recommendations recently).
Even if you’ve never been a bookworm before, Kindle Unlimited can be a great place to explore genres and try to find your niche. I’ve always been of the belief that a person who claims to not like reading just hasn’t found the right book.
Mystery and thriller books can be the ideal book for someone with a curious mind who enjoys asking questions and an enjoyer of horror films might happily partake in this particular category of literature. Some recommendations for mystery/thrillers on KU include: The Secrets of Us, The Darkest Flower, Find Me, Every Last Secret, and Mrs. Rochester’s Ghost.
Personally, I have always enjoyed a novel enriched with fantasy and whimsy. Kindle Unlimited has proved to be absolutely exemplary at providing me with a treasure trove of novels for me to devour in this respect. I have compiled a list of fantasy novels available on Kindle Unlimited that I have either read or am looking forward to reading in the near future: Bow Before the Elf Queen, Long Live the Elf Queen, House of Beating Wings, House of Pounding Hearts, Stolen by the Wolves, and Rhapsodic.
Romance novels are definitely a fan favorite on Kindle Unlimited and there are quite a few to choose from. Most people are under the impression that romance is all fluff and nonsense, but this genre can hold truly beautifully written gems. These gems include: Gild, The Echo of Old Books, Things We Never Got Over, and Red Winter.
For fans of shows and movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars, science fiction is always a good route. Aliens, spaceships, and futuristic weapons alike fill this genre and make the novels under this umbrella truly an interesting read. I’ll Stop the World, Unsouled, Ender’s Game, All System’s Red, and Gideon the Ninth.
The only genre I absolutely refuse to write about and recommend is nonfiction mostly because I use reading as a means to escape from reality. I have absolutely no negative feelings about those who read from this genre, but it’s a miserable pastime.
Kindle Unlimited is a wonderful source of books and series that I would highly recommend (and trust me my opinion on books is quite trusted). If you want to expand your already vast library of books or want to try a new, more fruitful pastime, this service could assist you in your endeavors. Also, an unlikely bonus of this subscription is that it can be accessed on your Chromebooks through the Amazon website, and a dazzling novel about murder, elves, romantic trysts, aliens, or all of them combined would surely be more interesting than Google Solitaire.