February Students of the Month Recognized

Merisa Shoener

February Students of the Month, pictured from left to right: Brynna Tayman; Charlotte Kirby; Brandon Wood Jr.; Kennadi Tucker; Jordan Pryor; Benjamin Hall; Delores Hall; Shayla Knight

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Freshmen Brynna Tayman & Charlotte Kirby
Freshman Brynna Tayman – “While waiting to be picked up from school, Brynna offered to walk a student to the restroom who was having a lot of anxiety approaching the area alone. She was kind, and respectful, and both students returned in a timely matter demonstrating responsibility. It is wonderful to see that kind of support and encouragement between students. Thank you, Brynna, for exemplifying the Duke Way.” Freshman Charlotte Kirby – “If you look up the definition of the word caring, it will have a picture of Charlotte. If ever someone is left out of something, she includes them. She is very patient and understanding with her peers and many times puts her interests second to make sure someone else gets an equal opportunity.”
Sophomores Kennadi Tucker and Brandon Wood, Jr.
Sophomore Kennadi Tucker – “Kennadi marches to the beat of her own drummer while being a high achieving student and model student at GHS. She is whip-smart and has a strong work ethic and plenty of integrity to boot. She is always prepared for class, participates with insightful contributions to class, and is curious to learn about a variety of topics. She is a voracious reader and can always be found with a new book in her hand, a smile on her face, a smile on her face, and a kind word or offer of help to a classmate. She is interested and participates in a variety of extracurriculars, including theater (recently with a role in the one-act play), cheerleading, and more.” Sophomore Brandon Wood, Jr. – “Brandon always puts forth 100% effort despite any obstacle in the way. He always arrives to class on time and prepared. He is respectful to his teachers and classmates. He volunteers and contributes to class discussions and requests help when needed. When absent he follows up with his teachers and always completes missing work in a timely manner. He is an absolute joy to have in the classroom.”
Juniors Jordan Pryor and Benjamin Hall
Junior Jordan Pryor – “He is respectful, thoughtful, and caring of others.” Junior Benjamin Hall – “Ben is so kind. He always tells me to have a great day at the end of class, he works hard, and is an active participant in the class.”
Seniors Delores "Grace" Hall and Shayla Knight
Senior Delores “Grace” Hall – “Grace always comes to class prepared, positive, and ready to learn. She is always respectful. She has long-term goals in mind and does the work to meet them.” Senior Shayla Knight – “Shayla is an extremely motivated and diligent student who has set high goals for herself in high school and beyond. She has written about her goals in class and has emphasized her unwavering dedication to staying the course and not letting anything distract her from achieving them. She impresses me with her intelligence, her work ethic, her kindness and helpfulness to others, and her quality of work. I see Shayla as a model student and perhaps more importantly as a model human being. She balances all she does academically with several extracurriculars, including being a proud GHS cheerleader. Shayla is a senior at GHS and is very deserving of being Student of the Month.”