Coach Stan Excited The XC and Track and Field Teams Are Consistently Improving

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December 16, 2022
The head track and field coach has been John Perrin for the past 30 years. He knows basically everyone in the school and is a pretty familiar face especially to those on XC and track and field teams. Perrin seemed happy in his position until a team meeting was called on October 25th. There Perrin stated that he would be resigning from GHS and would be going to Denbigh where he would take the spot of head track coach there. Everyone was shocked and even Coach Stan said “I thought I had one more year before he would be stepping away.” The thought that flooded everyone’s minds at that moment was “Who was going to take the spot of Perrin?”. All eyes went to Stan Hundley Jr.(sprints coach since 2016 and Perrin’s right hand man) whom everyone assumed would take his spot. Turns out everyone assumed right, Coach Stan accepted the position of head coach.
Of course, this wasn’t an immediate decision. Hundley talked to his wife and daughter about it, and after having a conversation with them he decided he was going to take the job. Hundley said, “There were some other things that needed to be worked out, but I let Ms. Hunter know that I was willing to do it.” Now that Hundley has taken the job he has some big shoes to fill. Perrin was an amazing coach and Coach Hundley could sense the expectations were high going into this position. But Hundley loves the athletes that he works with and that’s why he took the job, “I didn’t want the team to have to learn a completely new staff,” said Hundley, ”I felt that as team we could grow together and be ready to compete faster because the team knows me.”
Hundley has a bit more strict coaching style than Perrin who was more laid back, but sometimes strict is what kids need. Not all athletes are just going to be willing to do the work, sometimes you have to push them past they’re willing to go. Hundley said “Seeing the team consistently improving and trying everyday” is one of his favorite things about taking the job. He loves seeing the new athletes engage and the old athletes still trusting the process. “I’m a big believer in the team aspect of sports and I want our team to be a true team and celebrate every goal, small and big!” says Hundley. A team isn’t a team if only 5 people are trying, the whole team has to try if they want to be considered a good track team.
Going into the 2022-23 indoor track season everyone is excited to see what is going to happen under a new head coach. Overall, Coach Hundley is excited to see what’s to come of this new team. “I want to prove Coach Perrin right in wanting me to take over after him.” Hundley said, “I’m excited for all the new and old faces we have. I’m still learning my role but I think that by the end of the season we should be in a good position.” Everyone has high hopes for this season, now we just have to wait and see what happens.