Students of the Month Recognized For Exemplifying Duke Way

Grace Mares

Students of the Month Top row from left to right: Victoria King, Danni Knott, Paulo Ochoa-Zepeda, Gavin Talbot Bottom row from left to right: Taryn Legg, Rylee Ameral, Sydney Southall

Staff Reporter

Danni Knott, 12th Grade
Student of the Month – “This young lady has a plan and is proactive about her future. She is a role model and exhibits an abundance of self-advocacy.” (Grace Mares)
Victoria King, 12th Grade
Student of the Month – “Victoria is respectful in class. She stays engaged as President and Secretary of different honor societies (Tri-M and ITS). She is also a leader as a drum major for the Marching Dukes.”
(Grace Mares)
Taryn Legg, 11th Grade
Student of the Month – “She has worked so hard daily in class and is always on top of everything. She is an amazing student that strives to push herself to do more. She is kind and considerate to her teachers and fellow classmates daily.” (Grace Mares)
Dominick Antis, 11th Grade
Student of the Month – “Dom always has a smile and a kind word offered daily for his teachers and classmates. He is a really pleasant person to be around, with a calm and willing demeanor – he may not always have the best grades, but I would take a hundred of him – I love having him in class.” (Grace Mares)
Gavin Talbot, 10th Grade
Student of the Month – “Gavin Talbot is a model student. He comes to class prepared and always respectful to everyone. He never engages in a disruptive behavior just to look cool. He has shown exemplary work ethics and positive disposition in class. Always humble and kind. ” (Grace Mares)
Sydney Southall, 10th Grade
Student of the Month – “Sydney Southall is a model citizen in my class. She has a great work ethic and perfect attendance. Sydney has all A’s in her classes!” (Grace Mares)
Rylee Ameral, 9th Grade
Student of the Month – “Rylee is a great representation of the duke way as she comes to school prepared on a daily basis ready to learn. Rylee is respectful to both her peers and teachers.” (Grace Mares)
Paulo Ochoa-Zepeda, 9th Grade
Student of the Month – “Paulo is a super-respectful young man – to his teacher and other students. I can always count on him to participate in class, ask great questions, own his learning, do all of his work, and help others around him when appropriate. He seems to be genuinely interested in learning – which is a pleasure!” (Grace Mares)